Storm Season: Be Prepared

Storm Season

With Summer fast approaching, storm season is upon us. The occasional rain is good for the plants and to help keep the heat down, but showers can also bring strong winds, damaging hail, and in the extreme sense, tornadoes. Although we cannot stop these things from raining on our parade, there are some precautions we can take to lessen their blow:


  •  Secure any parts of a fence that appear weakened or loose.
  • Trim trees and shrubbery away from structures and remove any weakened sections of trees that might easily break off and fall onto structures.
  •  Move lawn furniture, toys, potted plants, garden tools and other yard objects inside; anchor heavier yard objects deep into the ground.


  •  If you have shutters, closely monitor local weather conditions and make sure you have enough time to deploy them before the storm is expected to hit your area.
  •  Check doors, windows, and walls for openings where water can get in; use silicone caulk to seal any cracks, gaps, or holes – especially around openings where cables and pipes enter the house.


  •  Place all appliances that are on the ground floor, including stoves, washers and dryers on masonry blocks or concrete.
  •  Move furniture and electronic devices off the floor, particularly in basements and first floor levels.
  •  Roll up area rugs, and get them off the floor to reduce the chances they will become wet and grow mold or mildew. This is particularly important if the property will be left unattended for an extended period of time and if long-term power outages are a possibility.
  •  Put fresh batteries in sump pumps.
  •  Shut off electrical service at the main breaker if the electrical system and outlets could possibly be under water.

With the clouds rolling in and the wind picking up, the perfect time to start making your home as severe-weather-safe as possible, is right now.


The Perfect Graduation Gift


May is finally here! The birds are singing, the grass is growing, and the school year is coming to a close. This year’s seniors are ready to spread their wings and set off to accomplish bigger and better things! With the graduation parties and ceremonies drawing ever nearer, what do you gift someone who is about to take on the world?!

We have just the thing! This year, we highly encourage purchasing a life insurance policy for your Grad! We understand that opening a neatly wrapped box and finding a declarations page inside is not going to move them to tears. It may take a bit, but they will come to realize exactly what this means and appreciate this amazing present! As they continue to grow and reach their next graduation ceremony, more than likely, about half of them will be engaged, or already married! Your simple act while they were young becomes a gift that keeps on giving! Now they can rest assured, that in the near future, should anything happen to them, their little family will be left financially stable and will be able to grieve properly.

The unfortunate truth is that Life Insurance never crosses the minds of today’s younger generations. What they fail to realize is the younger you are, the easier it is to qualify for a life insurance policy! When taking new turns on the road of life, it is much easier to be proactive, rather than reactive. Get this year’s graduates the PERFECT gift to celebrate: a life insurance policy!


How Well Do You Know Your Agent?

          magnifying glass  Insurance isn’t just something the state requires you to have! If you were to get into an accident, would you be able to pay for a $50,000 emergency room visit for EACH of your family members? When you “shop” for insurance, you should not only explore various coverage options, but you should also take a look at who you are trusting to protect your family and your assets! At the Phil Kohler agency with Farmers Insurance, we truly have your best interest at heart! Making sure you are adequately covered, as well as providing you with quality service are our two main priorities! We would love to get to know you! Connect with us today! (816)987-2223


Saving Some Green this St. Patrick’s Day

St Pattys Day 2015 Did you know that blue used to be the color associated with St. Patrick’s Day? According to, this holiday was originally the day Catholics in Ireland paid tribute to their Saint Patrick. Due to the green in the Irish flag, the iconic clover Saint Patrick used in his teachings about Catholicism, and Ireland’s nick name “The Emerald Isle” the color was changed to green. However, St. Patrick, leprechauns, and pots of gold aren’t all we associate with this color! We are always looking for ways to save some money and keep that green in our pockets! Here are three key points suggests we follow in order to possibly qualify for discounts on our home insurance: 1) Home security: Having a security system can do more than just put your mind at ease! Depending on your provider, have a centralized system could save you 15% on your policy!  2) Fire Safety: installation of smoke, carbon monoxide, and heat detectors, as well as having a sprinkler system and plenty of fire extinguishers could prompt discounts to be added to your policy! Also make sure to safely store flammable substances. 3) Home maintenance: recently renovated and newer homes tend to receive discounts. Be sure to check the age of your electrical wiring and roof, install handrails alongside staircases, and have a fence around your pool to increase your chances of saving some money (and headache)! Don’t forget to wear green this St. Patty’s day, and keep a little in your wallet too! -PKA

Buy them life insurance. It’s love – trust me!

I know you’ve heard it from my agency and other insurance agents probably a million times – “Insure Your Love with Life Insurance.” When you think of Valentine’s Day – chocolates, flowers, greeting cards, stuffed animals might come to mind. Are those things that will last forever or will they be eaten, die and be thrown out, or be put in the back of the closet before Valentine’s Day 2016?

Why buy your loved one something that will only show them your love for a short amount of time when you can purchase a life insurance policy that will remind them of your thoughtful nature and true love even after you’re no longer with them? The choice is a pretty obvious one, in my opinion. Purchase life insurance on yourself. The annual expense is not much more than what the average American spends on those other aforementioned gifts.

If you need more reason to buy life insurance for your loved one this month, here’s a great article from a fellow life insurance sales group, Protective. If you’d like a quote on a life insurance policy or to discuss your options, please come by my office or I can be reached the following ways:
Phone: (816) 987-2223     Email:

Have a great Valentine’s Day!

A $50,000 Emergency Room Visit

A $50,000 emergency room visit would max out many drivers’ insurance coverage limit. This is why you need underinsured motorist coverage on your own auto insurance policy!

One of our agency employees had a recent reminder of the importance of Underinsured Motorist coverage on your auto insurance policy. Her brother was a passenger in a friend’s vehicle while out Christmas shopping in December. While cruising along, the driver of the vehicle her brother was in got distracted and was not prepared to stop when they came upon a stop light. The vehicle in which her brother was riding crashed into the back of a truck at about 45 mph. The airbags and seatbelt malfunctioned and did not properly deploy or lock. Her brother’s face was slammed into the dash hard enough that there was a full imprint of his teeth left in the leather. His top teeth cut straight through the skin between his bottom lip and chin. Knocked unconscious, he awoke in an ambulance on the way to a local trauma and emergency center. He was diagnosed with a major concussion and required nearly 60 stitches across the front of his face. God was with him that evening because he is healing and is doing in follow-up care.

A few short weeks after the accident, the bills began arriving. Her brother’s friend – the at-fault driver – carried insurance at a level of $50,000/$100,000. This means there is a $50,000 individual limit and $100,000 limit for all involved. The very first bill to arrive from the trauma and emergency center was $55,000. You read that right – FIFTY FIVE THOUSAND. This was the bill just for visiting the emergency room. This does not include the ambulance ride, the doctors that treated him, the multiple tests ran while in the emergency room, the follow-up doctor visits, and rehabilitative treatment.quoteblogjan2015 The very first bill has maxed out the $50,000 individual liability limit carried by the at-fault driver. This means that the victim, her brother, is now liable for the rest of the bills. He could sue the at-fault driver to recover expenses, but that would add to his expenses. Luckily, her brother remembered he carried Underinsured Motorist coverage on his auto policy. He can now submit these bills under a claim and his insurance company will handle the expenses. He can breathe easy.

Uninsured Motorist and Underinsured Motorist coverage is a minute added cost to your auto insurance policy. However, this small added expense can save you in a tough spot! Check with your agent to ensure you have this extra coverage. Give our agency a call and we’ll help you determine whether you are adequately covered with your current insurance policy.

We hope this personal story inspires you to make sure you’re covered! Best Regards!

Resolve to Prepare for the Future in 2015

Image thanks to: Holidays, friends! I hope your Christmas was the best one yet and that the new year will bring you many blessings. While we can certainly hope that 2015 will bring you blessings, why not make SURE next year will be even better than 2014?

As I sat around the dinner table enjoying a Christmas meal prepared by my wonderful wife, I felt a sense of comfort. I was comforted knowing that I was prepared. I can honestly say that I have done what I can to ensure my family will not be financially burdened when God decides my time has come. My fingers are crossed for a few more decades! In all seriousness though, I have all the life insurance coverage needed to cover my debts and commitments. My wife will be able to focus on enjoying retired life and watching our grandchildren grow instead of worrying about the mortgage.

How about your family? What debts will you leave behind? How will they cover these debts without you?

Any step you take towards preparation for the inevitable and the future well-being of your family puts you in a better position than you were previously. Let’s make 2015 the year you feel the comfort of being fully prepared.

You can choose to resolve to lose weight, save money, or any of the other things 80% of people will choose, but I challenge you to make a new resolution for 2015 – let’s resolve to prepare for the future!

The first step is talking with me – an insurance expert. We’ll find a plan that fits your life! I am available via email:, cell: (816) 803-2627, and office: (816) 987-2223.

Cheers to 2015!

Higher Deductibles: Intimidation with a Chance to Save

Are you intimidated by the higher deductible options available with your home or auto insurance policies? Don’t be! All it takes is a little calculating to see whether a higher deductible would be a good fit for you.

So many clients raise their eyebrows at the thought of carrying a $1,000+ deductible on their Comprehensive or Collision coverage on their auto insurance or a percent or $2,000+ deductible on their homeowner’s insurance. Yes, carrying the higher deductible makes you responsible for a larger chunk of money upon having a claim occur, but the immediate savings on your policy could actually save you money in the long run! If you meet the following criteria, a higher deductible may be for you:

1. Do you have a savings account that consistently remains at a comfortable level for you – Let’s say $5,000? If so, you know that you will always have the selected deductible amount within reach, if needed.

2. Do you tend to make claims on small occurrences or are you more likely to fix small issues on your own dime – rather than making a claim? If you only make insurance claims for big issues, you’re spending more to carry that lower deductible than it would cost you to possibly have to pay the larger deductible when you make a claim once every 5-6 years.

Contact your agent to learn at what selection your deductible is currently sitting. Ask your agent to quote the different higher deductible combinations and share the numbers with you. From there, analyze claims you’ve made in the past. If you tend to make more than one claim every 5-6 years, I would stick with the lower deductible. If you rarely make claims, you might consider carrying the larger deductible. You could make your money back in savings in just a few years of being claim free.

If you’d like to discuss this with me directly, please give me a call at (816) 987-2223 or email at

Best Regards,


For What are You Thankful?

Happy Belated Thanksgiving, friends!

As we fill our bellies with food and our homes with our closest loved ones, remember that not everyone gets that privilege. Be thankful. Be grateful. I know I will be giving many thanks for everything, but most of all – my health and the health of my family.

With the blessing of health that I can count, I have had the opportunity to serve my wonderful community and surrounding area. I do business and live just outside of Pleasant Hill, Missouri. It’s a quaint, tight-knit town about thirty minutes south of Kansas City. I serve my community through my business as well as through the Pleasant Hill Fire Protection District as a Board Member.Pleasant Hill Fire & Rescue District

The Pleasant Hill Fire Protection District is an extremely important facet in the community. We offer Fire and EMS services to a rather widespread district of Missouri people. We service over 1,000 calls per year. Times have proven to be very busy for our PH Fire Protection District. Advanced services and upgraded equipment are required in this day and age, which is why I am so proud to show you what will be our new station on the south end of Pleasant Hill. This new station will allow our Fire Protection District to more readily meet the needs of our district. If you have time one day soon, please drive by and have a look as the construction continues!

When you’re sitting down at your family dinner table, please remember all of those who are risking their lives to protect yours – Military, Fire, EMS, Police, etc. Those people do not get a break from serving our country, our community, and you.

Best Regards,

Introducing Our Newest Team Member: Baleigh Wheeler

Many of you may have already had the pleasure of being assisted by our new team member, Baleigh Wheeler. Baleigh has a few months of experience already under her belt as a Customer Service Representative with the Phil Kohler Agency. We are very happy to have this young woman on our team; so, we’d like you to meet her:

Baleigh Wheeler: Newest PKA Team Member

Baleigh Wheeler:
Newest PKA Team Member

Baleigh Wheeler has lived right outside of Pleasant Hill for over seven years, graduating from Pleasant Hill High School in 2013. She went attended the University of Central Missouri for a year, focusing on Wildlife and Natural Resource Conservation; but decided she wanted to come back home.

Horses are her inspiration.

Horses are her inspiration.

Being a country girl, Baleigh prefers to be outdoors. She’s an avid hunter and fisherman. Horses are her passion. Her very first memory is riding a horse with her mother. Her mother trained horses for a living as Baleigh was growing up, so she’s spent a lot of time with them. This passion has inspired her to return to school eventually to focus on veterinary medicine.

Please help us welcome Baleigh! We are very fortunate to have her with the agency!